19 Home remedies for toothache pain relief

19 Home remedies for toothache pain relief

Anyone who has ever experienced tooth pain is aware of how excruciating it can be. The pain can range in severity from a slight sting to excruciating discomfort. Even though only a qualified medical professional can treat dental issues, there are several steps you can take to ease your excruciating pain until you see a doctor. This is obviously only temporary. 


A toothache indicates that you should see your doctor for treatment. Don't put off paying him a visit, because illnesses of this kind often spread quickly. Here are a few easy at-home treatments for toothache pain that you can try.


Home Remedies for Toothache

1. Salt Water for Toothache

Dissolve a tablespoon of salt with a glass full of warm water (make sure water is in consumable temperature). Rinse your mouth around the sore tooth as long as possible. Then spit the salt water out. Repeat this procedure for several times, the pain would be reduced.


2. Cloves for Toothache

Clove is known since ancient times as a tooth pain management tool. Place clove in your mouth near to the paining tooth and hold until the oil in clove extracts and reaches your tooth so that pain calms down. You can also use few drops of essential oil of cloves to make a thick paste of crushed cloves and water or olive oil and apply gently on the teeth and gums.

Soak a piece of cotton in extract of vanilla, almond, peppermint or lemon and apply to the aching tooth thoroughly, in such a way that tooth should get winded with the extract solution you are using. The vitamins in the extract will make the tooth resistant to ache.


4. Tea Tree oil for Toothache

This essential oil is suitable for many diseases and ailments treated with many kinds of nutritional values with gives strength to the teeth and relives toothache. Spotting few drops of essential tea tree oil around the aching tooth and gum and massaging with fingers will gives a good result of cure. It is better if the oil is saturated.


5. Oregano oil for Toothache

These essential oil species cannot be used directly on the skin so, you must dilute by adding few drops of olive oil (make proportionate amount of mixture). Then soak it with cotton to apply to the aching tooth and wait until it restrains to cure.


6. Apple Cider Vinegar for Toothache

Soak a cotton diskette in general apple vinegar and shelter it to aching place. Wait until the pain subsidises. Take suitable and simple wine vinegar.


7. Ginger for Toothache

Take a small sized piece of fresh ginger and chew on the side of  aching teeth it can be a simple step for forthwith fall of pain.


8. Garlic for Toothache

Peel a clove of garlic, crush it and place between the cheek and the aching tooth. You even make a paste of crushed garlic and salt.


9. Peppermint for Toothache

Chew fresh peppermint leaves placing near the sore tooth for a period of time. It can reduce the soreness as well as pain in the tooth immediately and also cures dental carries.


10. Potato for Toothache

Take a piece of fresh potato, peeled and washed neatly in a consumable way. Arrange it in surrounding to the aching tooth. It can also be finely grated mixed it with salt and apply on the aching place.


11. Lime for Toothache

Vitamin C present in Lime helps fighting infections. Take a slice of lime and place it on the aching tooth and bite it so that a little juice extracts and soak relives the ache.


12. Onion for Toothache

Apply the onion slices to the aching tooth – pain forthwith fall. Onions should be just slit, that releases a lot of juice.


13. Cucumber for Toothache

Fine slices of fresh cucumber hold on ache backwards. If the vegetable refrigerated and your teeth are sensitive to cold use after the cucumber thawed at room temperature. It is also good if you make a paste of finely grated cucumber and salt.


14. Plantain for Toothache

Chewing a fresh plantain leaf is a good remedy for tooth ache. Mixing a little salt with the chewed leaves would be fast recovery. If you feel hard and painful to chew it simply apply the plant leaf to the ache point of pain. It is also possible to make plantain leaves into an oily extract and lubricate it biting the tooth.


15. Chilli Pepper for Toothache

In addition to its culinary spicy flavour enhancer, it helps in relieving toothache too. Applying the paste of chilli pepper or mixing the pieces of chilli pepper with water keeps the aching tooth away.


16. Black Pepper for Toothache

Putting black pepper on the soar areas directly or use them with salt mixture for better cure.


17. Baking Soda for Toothache

Moisten the wool with water and soak it in a solution of baking soda and apply it to the paining tooth. Keep until the pain gets subsided. It is also possible to make the mouth rinse with a spoon of soda and half a glass of warm water. Rinsing the mouth all around the tooth and then spit out, repeat for multiple times for better results.


18. Black Tea for Toothache

Consuming a cup of black tea is not only a refreshment drink but also acts as a relieving drink for toothaches. Black tea tends to have a high tannin content (an astringent) which relieves pain and helps healing.


19. Ice Cubes for Toothache

The bag of ice cubes wrapped in a material or a thin towel would also be a temporary relive. Placing the ice cubes observes the pain and gives relief. If in case, this did not help also try a hot compress as an alternate way of step.

source ; beautyepic

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