A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You with These 8 Signals


A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You with These 8 Signals

Prevention is a better thing than cure itself. This ingenuous rule affects to whichever disease and is mainly valuable when the symptoms are not accurately acknowledged.

Here are some not to be ignored symptoms that may befall a month or so before a heart attack. You don’t have to be a complete neurotic, but a little bit of awareness about health can never hurt anyone. Be cautious in case you’re at risk of having a heart attack. Numerous often-ignored signs are listed at the end of this article. 



Infrequent fatigue is one of the key symptoms, which indicate a forthcoming heart attack. Females are more prone to report this kind of indication than men.

Description: Mental or physical exertion is not really the cause for the fatigue, and it is elevated by the end of the day. It is a symptom that is somewhat very clear and cannot go undetected: at times it’s grueling to perform even a simple task, like taking a shower or making a bed.

Abdominal pain

Stomachaches, feeling bloated, full/empty stomach nausea, or a distressed stomach, are some of the most usual symptoms. They are equally possible to strike amongst men and women.

Description: Stomachaches beforehand a heart attack has a serialized nature, lessening and then recurring for short period of time. Physical strain may also aggravate the upsetting stomach pains.



Insomnia is too linked with a better risk of a stroke or a heart attack, which is more usual amongst women. Insomnia characters often comprise a high level of forgetfulness and anxiety.

Description: The symptoms comprise trouble-initiating sleep, trouble maintaining sleep, and waking up early in the morning, feeling restless and nauseous.


Shortness of breath

Breathlessness or Dyspnea is a sturdy feeling of being incapable to draw a deep breath. Often times it occurs among both women and men for up to six months before having a heart attack. That is typically a warning indication of some medical condition.

Description: Feeling like you simply can’t get enough air, lightheadedness, feel like trembling and having shortness of breath.


Hair loss

Hair fall is well thought out to be simply another observable indicator of the risk of having a heart disease. Very commonly it affects men over the age of fifty, but some women might as well be in the risk set. Baldheadedness is also related with an elevated level of the hormone cortisol.

Description: Be cautious of losing hair from the top of your head.


Irregular heartbeat

Arrhythmias or missed beats are frequently escorted by anxiety and a panic attack, specifically among women. It happens unpredictably and divulges itself differently: arrhythmia – Irregular heartbeat or tachycardia – Increased heart rate. Physical trainings may give an extra spur to the increase in heart rate, mainly in instances with atherosclerosis disease.

Description: The irregular heartbeat persists for one to two minutes. If it is not fading away, you may feel dizzy and extremely fatigued. You need to call for help and also your doctor immediately.


Excessive sweat

Excessive or abnormal sweating is an initial cautioning indication of a heart attack. That might befall at any time without caring if it’s night or daytime. This indication affects women more likely and is commonly confused with the night sweats or hot flashes that are quite normal in menopause.

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