DIY: A Powerful Natural Antibiotic Against Bladder Inflammation


DIY: A Powerful Natural Antibiotic Against Bladder Inflammation

Anyone who has had cystitis knows how painful and persistent this condition can be.
Symptoms include feeling like you have to urinate even though you can’t, piercing pain and pressure.

But some natural antibiotics can effectively help with bladder inflammation. For urinary tract infections, i.e. inflammation of the bladder in 90 percent of cases, the uropathogenic bacterium E. Coli is considered to be the culprit. To get rid of the pain in a natural way, this is one of the most popular natural antibiotics, which should eliminate that unpleasant problem.

Although many bacteria can sometimes come back like a boomerang, some natural remedies could prevent this. When four natural ingredients are combined, each with its own beneficial effect, we get a powerful medicine that helps even those who have been persistently fighting the E. Coli bacteria for years.

A recipe for a natural antibiotic against bladder inflammation

Parsley root, lemon, honey, and olive oil, when combined in the proper combination, have significant antibacterial and antiviral properties that eliminate bothersome microorganisms.


Ingredients needed:

  • 250 g of parsley root
  • 250 g lemon with peel
  • 250 g of honey (preferably from sage)
  • 2 dl of olive oil


Finely chop the parsley and lemon peel, then blend all of the ingredients, including the honey and olive oil. You’ll get a slurry that should be refrigerated. A tablespoon should be taken every morning. Once you’ve digested the entire batch, the bacteria should be removed.


Note: It is best to use honey from an authorised beekeeper, and the lemon must be handmade and unsprayed. If you buy a store-bought lemon, let it sit in cold water to which you have added a little baking soda. After that, rinse it well.

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