8 Tips for Managing Stress

8 Tips for Managing Stress

When you're stressed, your head may start to hurt, or you may feel nauseated, dizzy, or just plain overwhelmed. Stress can have a huge impact on every aspect of your life, so stress reduction is necessary for maintaining both your physical and emotional health. Since you can't simply wish stress away, managing stress is a vital skill to develop.

Whether you experience a sudden stressful situation, such as a major issue at work or a crisis at home that needs to be addressed right away, having a plan for stress in place is a good idea, says Larry Kubiak, PhD, a psychologist and the director of psychological services at the behavioral health center of Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare in Florida. "Stress can occur at any time or place, and we do our best when we have tools at the ready to deal with it," he explains.

If it's an urgent problem that requires your immediate attention, managing stress is important so that you can think clearly. The same is true with ongoing, nagging concerns about your job, health, finances, or family members that create a steady buildup of stress. "Know the kinds of things that are available to you on short notice so you can utilize them, such as listening to music, going for a short walk, or guided imagery," says Dr. Kubiak.

Try these tips to help you with general stress reduction as well as specific anxiety-provoking experiences.

1. Try to Get Some Regular Exercise Every Day

Exercise is one of the best methods for managing stress because it can relieve both the physical and emotional effects of stress. Consider fitness choices that also deliver specific stress-reducing effects like yoga, tai chi, Pilates, or one of the martial arts, all great ways to get rid of pent-up stress and negativity. "Exercise can help regulate and dissipate in a productive way those 'fight or flight' stress chemicals in the brain," says Kubiak.

2. List Some Solutions and Come Up With a Plan

If there's a specific problem you need to fix, make a list of all possible solutions and pick the best one for your situation. Realizing that you have options and coming up with a concrete plan will have a direct effect on stress reduction. "Break the task into smaller parts so you can try to accomplish what you need to in an hour, a day and then next week so the problem becomes more manageable," suggests Kubiak.

3. Accept Those Things Beyond Your Control

Some circumstances are simply beyond our control, and we have to learn to cope with and accept them. Fortunately, you do have control over how you react to stressful situations. Staying calm and being willing to accept emotional support from others can help in managing stress.

4. Give Yourself a Break to Relax and Recharge 

Daily stressors can creep up on you before you realize it, so treat yourself to at least one relaxing activity every day. Listening to music, meditating, writing in a journal, or enjoying a soothing bubble bath are all great ways to relax and relieve stress. "Meditation allows us to clear our minds and be able to see things in a more realistic perspective," notes Kubiak. Taking time for yourself is important for both preventing and managing stress.

5. Step Back and Put the Problem in Perspective
Maybe you're disappointed that you didn't get a promotion you were up for or concerned that money is a little tight this month because of an unexpected medical bill. Feeling stressed is a natural reaction. But try to take a step back and ask yourself: Will this issue still matter in a year? In five years? If the answer is no, take a deep breath and try to move forward. Keeping things in perspective is crucial to managing stress.

6. Open Up to People and Express Your Feelings

If something's bothering you, don't keep it to yourself. Talk to people you trust, like friends, family, or coworkers, about what's on your mind. Even if you're not looking for specific advice, it usually feels good just to get your feelings out into the open.

7. Set Reasonable Expectations in Your Daily Life

Being busy is sometimes inevitable, but regularly taking on more than you can manage can cause unwanted and unwelcome stress. Tell yourself that it's okay to say no to activities at your child's school or to extra projects at work — you are not obligated to accept every request made of you. Additionally, don't take on more financial responsibilities — such as a new car or a bigger house — if you think they'll be a stretch. Being realistic about your finances is an important strategy for managing stress.

8. Resolve Issues Before They Become Crises

It’s human nature to avoid unpleasant topics and circumstances, but if you're concerned about a brewing situation, whether it's at work or at home, address it early to keep it from becoming more serious, harder to solve, and more stressful for you. Problems are always easier to handle before they develop into full-blown calamities.

Everyone feels stress — it's impossible to avoid it all the time. But it is possible to keep stress under control by setting realistic expectations of yourself, learning how to keep problems in perspective, and enjoying relaxing breaks from the daily demands of life.

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