11 Homemade Beauty Tips For Hair

11 Homemade Beauty Tips For Hair

Best ornaments for any woman are her hair. A woman having beautiful hair don’t need anything to feel beautiful, lots but at the same time maintaining beautiful hair is a challenge for most women. Many women a lot of money as well as time to maintain their hair or to cure them of damages by experimenting with different chemicals, colors and many other hair care products, just to have “naturally beautiful” hair.

There are many reasons behind damaged hair such as hair styling, using harmful chemical products for hair treatment, harsh weather conditions, pollution, etc. and once the hair gets damaged, the cycle of numerous visits to an expert begins and it goes on for years, but we can be a perfect guide for our self to cure our hair. As a saying goes “Experience is a comb that is given to you when you have already lost your hair.”, over the years our ancestor has developed many natural methods to cure hair damage. The best way to take care of hair problems is to use effective home beauty tips and remedies with absolutely no side effects.


Homemade Beauty Tips For Hair 

1. Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice can increase the shine of dry and dull hair. After washing the hair apply one tablespoon of lemon juice on hair and don’t rinse it. It will make the hair look shiny and lustrous instantly.

Treat Your Hair Before Swimming

Chlorine in swimming pool, as well as salts in sea water, can cause a great damage to the hair making your hair sticky, dry and weak. To prevent this hair should be treated with a conditioner before going for swimming. This can help in improving or protecting the quality of hair immensely.

2. Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera gel is a naturally occurring gel inside the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that reduce itchiness in scalp, dandruff and removes excess oil from the scalp providing deep conditioning to the skin. It also maintains pH balance of the scalp preventing hair fall.

How to apply:

Apply aloe vera gel for thirty minutes and then wash your hair properly with shampoo.

3. Avocado

The avocado mask is one of the most well-known hair treatment for frizzy and damaged hair. It contains Vitamin E, which reduces the damaged hair and the frizz in hair making them soft and smooth. It also prevents oxidation of skin cells. Avocado is also rich in fatty acids and minerals which can make hair smooth and lustrous.

How to apply:

Put few drops of olive oil or one egg white in a mashed ripe Avocado and apply for thirty minutes, then rinse several times. Repeat this procedure weekly once in damaged hair and also do it every month for healthy hair.

4. Honey 

The most common reason for damaged hair is the lack of moisture. Honey is immensely beneficial for dry, frizzy and damaged hair. It acts as a natural moisturizer as well as the hair conditioner. It makes hair softer, stronger and shinier. Apart from that, it is also rich in Antioxidants, which slows down the cell damage or in some cases even stops it completely.

How To Apply:

Take four cups of warm water and add two tablespoons of honey to it. Apply it on hair for thirty minutes and then wash your hair properly with shampoo.

5. Banana Mask

Bananas are a great source of various vitamins like Vitamin E, C, and A, along with potassium, zinc, carbonates, yogurt iron and various natural oils. These nutrients are very beneficial for hair can cure damaged hair very easily. A banana based hair pack is beneficial for dry and frizzy hair. It can also cure split ends and improve the strength and elasticity of hair.

How to apply:

Add one teaspoon lemon and three tablespoyogurtto one banana and mix it well. Now apply this mixture to hair for sixty minutes and then wash properly with cold water.

6. Beer Wash

Bear has been considered great for hair since ages. Due to the process of fermentation, it has various nourishing nutrients, vitamins, and minerals which are great for hair. It can act as a natural conditioner for dry and lustreless hair. Beer stimulates hair growth and makes hair smoother and softer.

How to apply:

Beer can be used along with various hair pastes or after shampoo. For using the beer on hair, take a beer bottle and keep it open for an hour. Now apply beer to the scalp after shampoo and stimulate the scalp properly with fingers. Then wash off the beer with cold water.

7. Egg Mask

One of the most widely used remedies for dry hair is an Egg Mask. Eggs have a high nutritional content with nutrients like Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, selenium, phosphorus, folate as well as calcium and collagen which makes hair stronger, longer and silkier. Eggs also provide the necessary proteins to the hair which increases the strength and prevents breaking up of hair.

How to apply:

Take one teaspoon of almond oil and mix it properly with egg yolk. Apply the mixture properly and evenly all over the hair and leave it for thirty minutes or more. Then wash off the mixture with cold water thoroughly.

8. Washing With Tea 

Tea can be used to provide natural shine and a hint of color to the hair to make hair look beautiful and puffy. Tea can affect the hair colour, so the tea should be selected with the colour of hair in mind. For example, Brunettes can use black tea to improve shine and color of their hair and Blondes can use chamomile tea to get the desired result.

How to apply:

Take some water and add tea leaves to it. Let the water get warm and change its color. Now use this water to rinse your hair properly after shampoo. This will give a shiny texture to the hair.

9. Treatment with natural Oils

Different botanical oils like Jojoba oil, olive oil, almond oil as well as sandalwood oils and coconut oil can work wonder on rough and dry hair and make them shiny and smooth. These oils contain various minerals and vitamins which can treat hair fall and make hair stronger and shinier. Coconut oil can be used for thick and heavy hair.

How to apply:

Wash your hair with water and then dry off the water and straighten the hair as much as possible. Now warm the botanical oil and apply it evenly on hair as well as on scalp. Wear a warm towel over it and keep it for at least half an hour. Then remove the towel and wash the hair properly with shampoo.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is prepared from apple or cider. Vinegar is rich in acetic acid and potassium. It cures damaged and frizzy hair. It has anti-microbial properties which kill the different bacteria in the scalp and provides nourishment to the hair.

How to apply:

  1.  Add apple cider vinegar to the equal amount of water and apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then wash the mixture with cold water.
  2.  Add one tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to 3 egg whites and 2 spoons olive oil. Apply it on hair for the half hour and then wash off the mixture with shampoo.

11. Yoghurt Treatment

Yogurt is a natural conditioner and can be applied like a hair mask. It is extremely beneficial for dry hair as it has natural moisturizing properties. It contains many nutrients like Vitamin C and proteins which can make the hair healthier and stronger.

How to apply:

  1. Mix a half cup of Yoghurt with one spoon of apple cider vinegar and one spoon of honey. Apply this mixture for thirty minutes before shampooing the hair.
  2. Apply plain yogurt on the scalp and leave it for about thirty minutes. This helps in preventing dandruff in the hair.

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