After Using This Ingredient Her Very Thin Hair Got Thick Within A Week

After Using This Ingredient Her Very Thin Hair Got Thick Within A Week


Too much stress , aging, environmental effects, excessive smoking are just a few factors that lay behind losing hair, that is very common these days.

An average man has around 100 000 strands of hair and it is normal to lose 50 -100 daily. But if you start losing over a 100 strands, then you should start looking for some treatments that will help you stop this.


Below you can read about the most effective natural remedies against hair loss:

Coconut –has many health benefits including those for hair growing and hair strengthening. It is rich in minerals, proteins, potassium, iron and essential fats.

How to use it:

Warm some coconut oil and massage it on your scalp. Leave it for one hour, then wash it off.
Or you can grate coconut and then mix it with some water. Put this on the bold area and leave it overnight. Wash it off next morning.


Onion– is rich in sulphur and it can increase collagen production.

How to use it:
Chop one onion, squeeze its juice and then apply on your scalp. You should leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse it off with mild shampoo and after that let it dry itself.


Garlic– has numerous benefits and it is also high in sulphur for which it is used in hair growth treatments.

How to use it:
Crush a few garlic cloves, add some coconut oil to them and boil for a few minutes. Let it cool and then gently massage it on your scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash it. Repeat this twice a week.


Egg– make a paste of one egg white and some oil and apply it on your scalp. Let it sit for about 20 min, then rinse with lukewarm water and mild shampoo.

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