30 Incredible Benefits of Rosehip Seed Oil For Face, Skin And Hair

What is rosehip oil?

Rosehip oil is also known as rosehip seed oil. It’s derived from the rosa canina rose bush, which is grown mostly in Chile. Unlike rose oil, which is extracted from rose petals, rosehip oil is pressed from the fruit and seeds of the rose plant.

30 Incredible Benefits of Rosehip Seed Oil For Face, Skin And Hair

It is packed with natural activates which makes it to be used widely over skin and health.

Conatural’s Organic Rosehip Oil contains essential fatty acids, necessary for protecting cell membranes as well as Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Beta carotene and the powerful anti-ageing antioxidant Lycopene. This unique oil feeds the skin vital nutrients to promote radiant, healthy looking skin. The best carrier oil for oily/acne prone skin, Rosehip Oil has been known to help soothe skin conditions and assist skin renewal in the maintenance of optimal skin health.

Benefits Rosehip Oil for Skin:

1. Rosehip oil For Clean Skin:

  • Rosehip oil is rich in Vitamin A and rich in collagen which helps to keep your skin clean and glowing every time.
  • The oil helps to pull out the dead cells which keeps your skin look fresh every time.

2. Rosehip oil for Rejuvenates Skin:

  • Rosehip oil is been used by ages which helps to increase the attention towards the skin.
  • As rich in vitamin A and essential fatty acids, the oil helps to instantly glow your skin and gives a lightening effect.

3. Rosehip oil for Restoring Elasticity:

  • The oil is very light in texture which is absorbed by the skin easily and quickly.
  • Being rich in collage and vitamins, it removes the dead skin restoring the elasticity back to the skin.

4. Rosehip oil for Anti Agieng:

  • Rosehip oil has been widely used in making anti-ageing serum and creams.
  • This beautiful oil helps to shrink the wrinkles and fine lines which are visible on the skin after 30’s.
  • A great ingredient to be used by women and men’s both.

5. Rosehip oil for Dry Skin:

  • Rosehip oil contains high concentration of fatty acids which helps to hydrate the dry skin well and also keeps it nourish all the time.
  • The oil benefits in balancing the hydration level on skin.

Rosehip oil for Uneven Pigmentation:

  • Uneven pigmentation is the embarrassing moment and the worst part of being a victim of this problem is it does not get treated suddenly.
  • All you need is a long time procedure and treatments to be taken.
  • Rosehip oil is a wonderful ingredient in treating uneven pigmentation.

7. Rosehip oil for Irritated Skin:

  • Rosehip oil can be used on irritated skin aswell.
  • It has the soothing capacity, which helps to calm down the irritated skin.
  • You can apply rosehip oil daily to your harsh sensitive skin and leave it overnight.

8. For Oily Skin:

  • If your skin secretes lots of oil on your face, you can use rosehip oil to control the secretion.
  • Wipe you face once with rosehip oil and feel the difference.
  • On regular use you will see there is less amount of oil on the face and it is controlled day by day.

9. Rosehip oils to Treat Black and White Heads:

  • Cut lemon into two pieces and add 2-3 drops of rosehip oil and continue massaging with this over your face and nose.
  • Rosehip oil and lemon together works well which helps to remove the white and black heads over face.

10. Rosehip oil to Combat Sun Damage:

  • Once, everyone have to go through a phase where your skin is damaged due to excessive heat and the harsh UVB rays.
  • Rosehip oil helps in aiding cell damage which can help to combat sun damage.

11. Rosehip oil to Treat Scars:

  • Rosehip oil certainly is a great ingredient which helps to treat scars over face due to its astringent properties.
  • Regularly using rosehip oil can help to reduce scars.
12. Rosehip oil to Treat Stretch Marks:
  • Ranging from small to bigger, they can be anywhere which actually doesn’t looks well and we absolutely hate this.
  • Stretch marks can be treated with regular application of rosehip oil over the affected area.

13. Natural Eye Serum:

  • If you have spent few nights working with your laptop, you are sure give an outcome of puffy eyes.
  • Rosehip oil can be used as a natural eye serum which helps to reduce the eye puffiness due to its anti-oxidants properties.

14. Treats Dark Circles:

  • Being rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and anti-oxidants properties rosehip oil is a great ingredient to be used to treat dark circles.

15. Eliminate Blemishes:

  • In addition to various beauty benefits, rosehip oil is also an astringent.
  • When used with moisturiser, rosehip oil can help you to eliminate blemishes on face making your skin soft and supple.

16. Treats Skin Peeling:

  • Rosehip oil treats in peeling of skin.
  • It helps to rejuvenate your skin and due to its antiseptic properties it helps to repair the damaged skin and avoid peeling.
  • The yeast in the oil excretes the substance that peels off the skin.

17. Used to Get Manageable Eyebrow:

  • Applying little of rosehip oil to eyebrows helps to make them soft and smooth.
  • On regular massage, you get them easy to manage and get your arches done perfectly.
18. Shrinks the Size of Pores:
  • Due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, rosehip oil helps to shrink the size of your large sized pores.

19. Treats Acne:

  • Applying rosehip oils on acne helps to keep your skin acne free.
  • Rosehip oils are effective on serious types of acne eradicating the dark spot left behind on the face.

20. Used as Pre Shaving Agent:

  • Rosehip oil should be used before your shave your skin.
  • Infact it can also be used as an alternative to shaving cream which helps to lower the risk of skin damaging done while shaving.

21. Used to Treat Brittle Nails:

  • Rosehip helps to treat your brittle nails and also makes them grow stronger.
  • Massaging your nails everyday with rosehip oil keeps them away from fungus and also makes them healthy and strong.

Rosehip Oil Benefits for Hair:

22. Rosehip oil to Combat Hair Thinning:

  • Hair thinning reaches a serious stage where you start losingyour hair day after day and there is a major hair loss.
  • Oiling your hair with rosehip oil can help to strengthen the hair follicles which ultimately help in combatting hair thinning.

23. For Hair Regrowth:

  • You get few new hair strands just after you start using rosehip oil over your scalp.
  • Rosehip oil helps to nourish you scalp properly and also keep a check on hydration value.
  • It helps to fight against the damaged cell over scalp.

24. For Hair loss:

  • Rosehip oil is a great antioxidant and has free radicals which help to eradicate the dead and harmful cells over scalp.
  • There are various environmental problems which are reason of hair loss and rosehip oil helps to battle against them.

25. Used as a Live in Conditioner:

  • Adding few drops of rosehip oil to your leave in conditioner can help to make your hair light and non-greasy.

26. Treats Damp Hair:

  • Besides adding few drops of rosehip oil to conditioner, you may also add it with shampoo if your hair is damp.
  • It will restore the moisture content over your scalp and also make your hair grow strong and healthy.

27. Treats Dandruff:

  • Simply massaging hair 20 minutes before you shampoo your hair can help to combat dandruff problems.
  • It is been used in many anti-dandruff shampoos but using it raw over scalp will give you excellent results.

28. Treats Spilt Ends:

  • The most effective remedy to treat spilt ends is rubbing your lower ends with rosehip oil.
  • It makes your hair follicles grow strong and also smoothens it treating split ends.

29. Gives Shine to Hair:

  • Just rubbing rosehip oil over your hair helps to make it look sheen and lustrous.
  • You can apply rosehip oil alternatively to your hair which does not make your hair and scalp greasy.

30. Treats Grey Hair:

  • Rosehip oil helps to treat premature greying of hair.
  • You can apply raw rosehip oil all over your scalp and massage it well.
  • If not, you may add some rosehip oil to coconut oil and then oil your scalp.

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