Here Are 5 Warning Signs You Have Blocked Arteries!!!

Here Are 5 Warning Signs You Have Blocked Arteries!!!

Here Are 5 Warning Signs You Have Blocked Arteries!!!


Blood clots are jelly-like masses of blood that form after an injury to prevent excessive bleeding. The blood in the clot dissolves after the injury has healed, in most cases. The symptoms of blood clots depend on where they are located in the body. According to the American Society of Hematology, 

Here Are The 5 Early Signs & Symptoms Of Blood Clots:

  • Abdomen: Diarrhea, intense abdominal pain, and vomiting
  • Brain: Vision problems, dizziness, sudden and severe headache, difficulty speaking, and weakness of the face, arms or legs.
  • Heart: Sweating, light-headedness, nausea, shortness of breath, chest heaviness or pain, and discomfort in other areas of the upper body.
    Sweating and coughing up blood, sharp chest pain, shortness of breath, racing heart, and fever.
  • Healthy diet: Avoiding foods like processed foods, sugars, trans fats, refined carbs, and GMOs is the key to preventing blood clots.
  • Active lifestyle: Avoiding sedentary lifestyle and exercising on a regular basis is of utmost importance in regards to blood clot prevention.
  • Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of blood clots, whether it is tobacco or a vapor device.
  • Medication changes: Blood pressure, cancer and hormone medications increase the risk of blood clots.


6 Natural Blood Thinners & Supplements

1. Gingko

  • It is packed with a protein called fibrin which plays an important role in blood clot prevention.


2. Vitamin C

  • A potent antioxidant that maintains proper vascular health.


3. Bilberry, Ginger, & Turmeric

  • These foods are capable of reducing the ability of platelets to clump, which is associated with blood clot formation.


4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

  • Found in foods like pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and fish.
  • A capsule form works too.


5. Natural Antibiotics

  • The most effective natural antibiotics known to mankind include garlic, onion and olive oil.


6. Vitamin E

  • It prevents oxidation.
  • The best source of this vitamin include foods like almonds, kiwi, broccoli, avocado and dark leafy greens.

Arm or Leg: Loss of hair on legs as well as sudden or gradual pain, warmth, tenderness, and swelling.

These blood thinners and supplements are useful for blood clot prevention and your overall health.

Avoid These Foods If You Have Joint Pain

Avoid These Foods If You Have Joint Pain


Avoid These Foods If You Have Joint Pain

This pain is really unpleasant, it means the joints are inflamed. A lot of people, regardless of age or gender, have this issue.

The pain varies from mild to unbearable and serious to the point of immobility.

There are 2 main reasons for this issue. It can be bursitis, lupus, leukemia, fibromyalgia, strains in the muscles and broken bones or dislocated ones.

If you have this problem, avoid these listed foods below: 


Red Meats And Processed Meats

These meats have a lot of chemicals and sodium too. They have purines and nitrites that make pain worse and inflammation too, in the whole body in general.

The processed food has high glycation end outcome AGEs and these are toxins that increase and cause inflammation for sure. Instead of these meats eat more fresh produce like fruits and veggies in the diet.


Too much beer and other alcohols too are really bad for the joints with problems. Beer consumers have more risk to develop rheumatoid arthritis and even gout. The beer has purine that is transformed to uric acid in the body and thus results in more inflammation.

In case you have joint pain, you must avoid the beer since it also has gluten inside. Also, beer has some toxins that are of course, not good for the body.


Artificial Flavors And Sugars

The AGEs level In the body increase inflammation and this is due to too much sugars. To add, sugar makes triggering of more cytokines in the organism, i.e., inflammation agents.

Sugar we know is just empty bad calories, no matter how tasty, and causes weight gain and fatigue. But also, this makes the joints painful and under pressure.


Flour And Refined Grains

These make joint pain even greater since they also are inflammation agents. They increase the AGEs that make the inflammation.

Replace the grains and flour and the pasta, white rice, and white bread with whole grains, coconut flour and almonds. Replace the white rice with brown rice.



Too much eggs makes swollen and painful joints. The eggs or the yolks have a so called arachidonic acid that makes more prostaglandins which cause inflammation.

Also, eggs have saturated fat that increases this problem and pain too. If this is your favorite breakfast, skip the yolk and have the protein whites instead.


Foods With Monosodium Glutamate

The MSG is an additive for food that makes flavor enhanced and this is for frozen foods and snacks, chips, can foods and frozen Chinese food, dinners, soups, salad dressings too.

The MSG increases inflammation and pain. Those with this issue or rheumatoid arthritis must avoid this at all cost.

Make Detox Foot Pads at Home and Remove All the Dangerous Toxins from Your Body

Make Detox Foot Pads at Home and Remove All the Dangerous Toxins from Your Body


Make Detox Foot Pads at Home and Remove All the Dangerous Toxins from Your Body

Our inactive lifestyle causes circulation to bog down around the ankles, lower legs and feet, and therefore, placing detoxifying pads on the feet will help circulate blood and lymph into the torso.

Detox foot pads are stick-on pads placed on the soles of the feet before going to bed in order to eliminate all toxins in the body during the night. These foot pads were first used in Japan.

The effects of these are almost instant, as the next morning, when you remove the foot pads, you will see that the harmful toxins which have been discarded have darkened the pads. Moreover, their application relieves joint pain, reduces fatigue and leads to fewer headaches.

Although you can buy them ready- made, you can also make detox foot pads yourself at home, in the following way: 


  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Self-stick gauze pads
  • Water
  • Socks


You need to finely chop the garlic and onion, and put them aside.


Pour water in a kettle and let it boil. Add the finely sliced garlic and onions in the boiling water and let it boil for additional 10 minutes.


Then, let the water cool off for 20 minutes. Pour the cooled water in the center of the self-stick gauze pads. If you have poured too much liquid in the pads, squeeze the excess out.


Patch the self-stick gauze pad on the soles of the feet, particularly at their central part. Next, put on socks in order to prevent the pads from falling off.


The amazing effects of this detox treatment will be visible the next morning.

A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You with These 8 Signals

A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You with These 8 Signals


A Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You with These 8 Signals

Prevention is a better thing than cure itself. This ingenuous rule affects to whichever disease and is mainly valuable when the symptoms are not accurately acknowledged.

Here are some not to be ignored symptoms that may befall a month or so before a heart attack. You don’t have to be a complete neurotic, but a little bit of awareness about health can never hurt anyone. Be cautious in case you’re at risk of having a heart attack. Numerous often-ignored signs are listed at the end of this article. 



Infrequent fatigue is one of the key symptoms, which indicate a forthcoming heart attack. Females are more prone to report this kind of indication than men.

Description: Mental or physical exertion is not really the cause for the fatigue, and it is elevated by the end of the day. It is a symptom that is somewhat very clear and cannot go undetected: at times it’s grueling to perform even a simple task, like taking a shower or making a bed.

Abdominal pain

Stomachaches, feeling bloated, full/empty stomach nausea, or a distressed stomach, are some of the most usual symptoms. They are equally possible to strike amongst men and women.

Description: Stomachaches beforehand a heart attack has a serialized nature, lessening and then recurring for short period of time. Physical strain may also aggravate the upsetting stomach pains.



Insomnia is too linked with a better risk of a stroke or a heart attack, which is more usual amongst women. Insomnia characters often comprise a high level of forgetfulness and anxiety.

Description: The symptoms comprise trouble-initiating sleep, trouble maintaining sleep, and waking up early in the morning, feeling restless and nauseous.


Shortness of breath

Breathlessness or Dyspnea is a sturdy feeling of being incapable to draw a deep breath. Often times it occurs among both women and men for up to six months before having a heart attack. That is typically a warning indication of some medical condition.

Description: Feeling like you simply can’t get enough air, lightheadedness, feel like trembling and having shortness of breath.


Hair loss

Hair fall is well thought out to be simply another observable indicator of the risk of having a heart disease. Very commonly it affects men over the age of fifty, but some women might as well be in the risk set. Baldheadedness is also related with an elevated level of the hormone cortisol.

Description: Be cautious of losing hair from the top of your head.


Irregular heartbeat

Arrhythmias or missed beats are frequently escorted by anxiety and a panic attack, specifically among women. It happens unpredictably and divulges itself differently: arrhythmia – Irregular heartbeat or tachycardia – Increased heart rate. Physical trainings may give an extra spur to the increase in heart rate, mainly in instances with atherosclerosis disease.

Description: The irregular heartbeat persists for one to two minutes. If it is not fading away, you may feel dizzy and extremely fatigued. You need to call for help and also your doctor immediately.


Excessive sweat

Excessive or abnormal sweating is an initial cautioning indication of a heart attack. That might befall at any time without caring if it’s night or daytime. This indication affects women more likely and is commonly confused with the night sweats or hot flashes that are quite normal in menopause.

Just 2 Kitchen Ingredients, Your Feet Will Look Better Than They Have In A Long Time!!!

Just 2 Kitchen Ingredients, Your Feet Will Look Better Than They Have In A Long Time!!!


Just 2 Kitchen Ingredients, Your Feet Will Look Better Than They Have In A Long Time!!!

Out feet is the most neglected part of our body. It comes in contact with dirt and cold surface all the time, still, we don’t spend much time to keep it clean. The constant accumulation of dirt and dryness of skin leads to cracked feet.

Some of the spas and beauty salons now provide special treatments to clean your feet and heal the cracked skin. This feet grooming session will cost you a fortune and it can be harmful to your foot skin as well. So, don’t waste your money on these pedicure treatments and don’t expose your feet to the harmful chemicals in the food product. Instead, you can use the completely natural remedy to groom your feet at home.

Here is an awesome remedy for beautiful looking healthy feet


  • Baking powder- 3 tbsp
  • Milk- 4 cups 

Preparation Method 

  1. Take a small tub in which you can soak your feet properly.
  2. Now, pour milk in the tub and then add 3 tbsp of baking powder to it.
  3. Stir it well to make sure that baking powder completely gets dissolved in it.
  4. Now, soak your feet in this solution for 10 minutes.
  5. Later wash your feet with warm water and dry it using a clean towel.
  6. Use this remedy every day for 1 week to get softer and smoother feet quickly.

This is most affordable and safe way to improve the texture of your foot skin. It helps to remove the accumulated dirt and soothe the cracked skin. You can make a habit of applying moisturizer cream on your foot every night to keep your skin hydrated. This will prevent the cracked feet and your feet will look beautiful all the time.

This Woman Drank Honey And Lemon For A Year, Guess What Happened Next

This Woman Drank Honey And Lemon For A Year, Guess What Happened Next


This Woman Drank Honey And Lemon For A Year, Guess What Happened Next

The benefits of the combination of honey and lemon are well known in alternative medicine. However, a person who has faith only in the conventional medicine does not believe in the natural treatment.

Here is an amazing situation in which Crystal Davis who is from Australia decided to explore the health benefits of honey and lemon. She planned to drink a beverage made up of honey, lemon and warm water for a whole year.

She wanted to check the results of this remedy and also was looking forward to truly enhance her health. The final outcome of this experiment was shocking in positive ways. Crystal is now taking efforts to convey other people in the world about this miracle and urges everybody to consume this amazing drink every day. 

The power of this natural combo

It is an ancient remedy to use the combination of lemon and honey to cure flu and colds. Skeptical still have a doubt on the power of this combination as the information about how it works on disease is not much popular. Here are some medicinal properties of honey and lemon which will make it clear why this combination is the best thing to consume to boost health.

  • Honey consists of antibacterial properties which make it suitable medicine to treat flu. It nourishes the body and boosts the immune system. It soothes the irritated tissues of the throat and provides speedy recovery.
  • Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C which plays a vital role in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Thus a combination of lemon and honey seems to be the ideal medicine to fight cold. Crystal decided to use this combination to get rid of flu and cold.


The Experiment

Cold and flu were a common issue in Crystal’s life. She was suffering from a frequent cold infection and started taking the commercial drugs. After taking medicine the symptoms of cold and flu would go off for short-term but it was coming back in few days. She came across the information about the powerful mixture of honey and lemon. So, decided to start the natural treatment to permanently get rid of flu and cold.


She started consuming 1 glass of this combination early in the morning before breakfast for 1 year. Here are some positive effects she observed during the treatment:

  • The level of energy in the body increased significantly when she replaced the morning coffee with lemon-honey water.
  • Got relief from issues related to UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) as the lemon-honey water was helping the body to eliminate body toxins and act as a natural diuretic.
  • The appearance of skin was enhanced and the skin was looking radiant. Honey supported the collagen production process while lemon juice cleaned the blood. This, in turn, provided smooth, soft and healthy skin.
  • The weight maintenance becomes automatic process and the combination supported weight loss.


Follow the instructions:

In order to get all these benefits if you want to consume the honey-lemon water then here is a detailed recipe for you


Things you need 
  • Lemon- ½
  • Honey- 1 tsp
  • Warm water- 1 cup
  1. Take a ½ piece of lemon and squeeze the juice from it in a cup.
  2. Add 1 tsp of honey to it and mix it well.
  3. Add 1 cup of warm water and stir it properly.
  4. Drink this awesome beverage first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

You will be able to notice a significant difference in your health condition in 2-3 weeks of time. Drink this combination regularly without break to enhance your immune system. This simple trick will help you to remain healthy all the time.

Health & Beauty Benefits Of Oat Milk!!!

Health & Beauty Benefits Of Oat Milk!!!


Health & Beauty Benefits Of Oat Milk!!!

Growing up, we had milk in the house — but, my mom couldn’t drink cow’s milk, so we also often had a variety of non-dairy options. Cashew milk was the most common staple found in our fridge, but there’s another alternative that is taking the lactose-free world by storm.

I’m talking about oat milk, a vegan, non-dairy milk substitute that has a range of benefits. Not only will this “milk” support your health, it can also be used within your regular beauty regimen. Let’s check it out!

The rise of non-dairy alternatives

Plant-based nutrition is all the craze, and for good reason. As reported by Mintel, non-dairy milk sales have significantly grown over the past five years, increasing 61 percent since 2012. Of course, the most common options include almond, soy, and coconut.

There have been a number of studies released in the past decade or so, which has largely influenced the perception of cow’s milk among consumers. In fact, Americans now drink approximately 37 percent less milk then they did in the 1970s.

When it comes to milk and other dairy products, in order to break down the lactose (the sugar found in milk), the enzyme lactase is required. When there is not enough of this enzyme present, lactose is broken down in the bowel, resulting in cramps, bloating, nausea and diarrhea.

It is said that around 70 percent of the population will not continue to produce lactase once we are finished breastfeeding (hence the term, lactose intolerant). From the use of growth hormones in dairy cattle to the environmental impact of cow milk production, many are now opting for non-dairy alternatives — including the new kid on the block, oat milk.

Oat milk will offer these six health and beauty benefits

  1. In its most basic form, oat milk is essentially oats and water that have been blended together.
  2. Once strained, a smooth, creamy liquid is the end result.
  3. If you’re considering switching to oat milk, here’s why it is an optimal choice.

Helps you avoid the most common allergens

  • Being free of dairy, oat milk already protects those who cannot properly digest lactose.
  • However, it is also ideal for those who suffer from a nut or soy allergy.
  • Since oats are also typically gluten-free, it’s a great alternative for people with strict dietary restrictions.

Helps lower cholesterol

  • Oat milk yields a similar calorie content to cow’s milk.
  • However, it is incredibly high in fiber, as well as beta-glucan.
  • Since beta-glucan effectively binds to cholesterol (specifically LDL or “bad” cholesterol) as it passes through the gut, regular consumption could reduce your risk of heart disease.

Supports optimal well-being

  • When you break down the nutrient content of oat milk, you will benefit in so many ways.
  • For those who are vegan, for instance, just one cup of oat milk yields around ten percent of your daily iron intake.
  • In turn, this will reduce your risk of anemia.
  • Commercial oat milk is also often enriched with calcium and vitamin D, supporting bone health.
  • However, if you are going to purchase commercial varieties, be mindful of potential additives (as well as the sugar content).
  • Overall, oat milk is said to boost immunity and supports a balanced diet.

Boosts skin health

  • Oat milk is nourishing for the skin.
  • Based on its lipid and water content, oat milk offers moisturizing properties, removes impurities and helps eliminate dead skin cells.
  • To combat acne, you can combine oat milk with raw honey.
  • This face mask will leave your skin feeling fresh!

Provides relief after shaving 

  • Whether you experience little red bumps or itchiness after shaving, oat milk can soothe your skin and provide nearly instant relief.
  • In fact, many women take oat milk directly into the shower with them, as this beauty remedy doubles as an oddly luxurious body wash.

Tends to itchy scalps & dry hair 

  • Speaking of showers, you can also apply oat milk to your hair, either as a rinse or as a leave-in conditioner.
  • Just as oatmeal soothes dry, itchy skin, the same rules apply to your scalp.
  • In turn, this will help you combat dandruff while you strengthen and nourish your hair.
  • So whether you are looking to clean up your diet, improve your health or are in need of a new, all-natural beauty routine, oat milk has your back.
  • To whip up your own batch, all you’ll need is a cup of rinsed steel-cut oats, approximately three cups of filtered water, and then for flavor, anything your heart desires (cinnamon, vanilla, sea salt, etc.).
  • They key here is to develop new healthy habits that support both your internal and external health.
  • Utilizing the power of oat milk can act as the first step, as you develop more sustainable health and beauty habits.
  • Once you get comfortable with a recipe you like, have fun with it!
Two Drops Of This In Your Ears & 97% Of Your Hearing Recovers!!!

Two Drops Of This In Your Ears & 97% Of Your Hearing Recovers!!!


Two Drops Of This In Your Ears & 97% Of Your Hearing Recovers!!!

Medical issues in individuals typically show up with age, yet as of late there are much an ever-increasing number of individuals with issues than previously.

It doesn’t make a difference which age, sex or race they are. The most widely recognized issues are likewise the issues with your ears. This could represent a difficult issue for one individual, for instance in the field of where they work: in case you’re continually advising individuals to rehash you what they’ve said you could have issues. You could likewise have issues by not hearing the horns of any vehicle, particularly while you’re strolling or driving.

The market these days offers various medications for alleviation, however, today, we will recommend you a characteristic arrangement that will enable you to decrease your listening ability issues and tackle the issues in your ears rapidly and effectively! The fixing that is utilized is exceptionally normal and is utilized each day by individuals all around the globe. It’s garlic!

Garlic is all around used to take care of various medical issues. You’ve likewise most likely found out about various legends that asserted that garlic had the capacity to pulverize vampires


  • 3 garlic cloves
  • olive oil
  • dropper
  • cotton or bandage

Preparation Method 

  • Take the garlic cloves and expel their skin totally.
  • At that point, wash them and press them solidly with the goal that you can separate the most extreme amount of juice conceivable.
  • Blend the garlic juice with the olive oil and place it in the dropper.

How To Use 

  1. It Put three to four drops of this oil in every single one of your ears.
  2. You should rest after this, so the oil could enter into your ear profoundly.
  3. Rest for some time resting.
  4. Take a bit of bandage or cotton to close your ear with the goal that the oil can’t go out.
  5. The principal results will seem soon.
  6. You’ll be stunned that your listening ability is enhanced by such a basic formula and your ears will be greatly improved!